How to Maintain A Healthy Immune System to Handle Whatever Nature Throws At You!

Could this Delicious Hot Dog Laced With Sauerkraut, Hold the Key to a Healthy Immune System?

Watch this presentation to discover what the media won't tell you.

'Luck' is a Bad Strategy For Keeping You Healthy

Hey, I'm Chris. 

You might think the worst is behind us or you may believe nature's past wrath was the start of many more to come. 

Either way, I want you to listen to this ENTIRE presentation.

And in a few minutes, you'll learn why this hot dog with sauerkraut is the SECRET to your body maintaining a healthy immune system to handle whatever nature throws at you.

Listen, 'LUCK' is a BAD health strategy these days.

This presentation might just be the smartest 17-minutes of your life so watch it until the end. 

Listen as I reveal how to maintain a healthy immune system in a way that you will find very natural. 

If you watch this presentation until the very end, you'll also discover 2 things you absolutely MUST avoid if you want to maintain a healthy immune system.

I can't promise this presentation will be online tomorrow, however you have free access right now. 

You may think that you have heard it all before about maintaining your immune system, yet you have NEVER seen anything like this before.


This one hot dog tip will completely make your head spin and jaw drop. 

Remember, I'm going to share how you can maintain a healthy immune system to handle whatever nasties that nature dumps on the world.

And I will also give you some little-known tips to help you craft a plan of action to promote healthy body functions. 

The reality is that the world has changed forever. 

Relying on 'LUCK' is a bad health strategy in this new world.

First, I'm going to share with you an emerging health storm that the media won't tell you. 

It's so uncomfortable to talk about and may scare the crap out of you.

Before I tell you about the coming health storm brewing...

Let me tell you my terrifying story so you understand why I put this presentation together in the first place

I wasn't always into vitamins the way I am today.

March 2020 changed my entire view about supplements when the health crisis forced the world into quarantine mode.

My employer announced on Friday, March 13, 2020 that we should start working from home starting March 16th until further notice. 

I worked in Manhattan and my company had been preparing since that January to convert the workforce to a hybrid work-from-home model.

I was living in Brooklyn, NY (where I am today) and the weather in New York City was crisp and cool.

Actually, I believed that the quarantine was going to last about 2-weeks, maybe a month max. 

Boy was I surprised how long the shut-down truly lasted, wasn't you?

Remember that time? Wasn't that the craziest? 

The scary part was that there was no medical solution that could fight what nature had created (or what man created in a lab if you believe conspiracies). 

There was no medical solution, no pill, nothing to fight this thing. 

You could only rely on your body's natural immune system to protect you.

A truly frightening moment in world history. 

I was afraid. For myself. 

For my 72 year old mother and my brother who was slightly asthmatic.

Maybe you felt the same fear that you or a loved one might not have a strong enough immune system to handle what nature dumped onto the world.

In addition to wearing a mask, maintaining your immune system using vitamin C was a common idea.

So off to Amazon I went to get a mask and some vitamin C.

I was with my girlfriend Sandra in my apartment at the time.

And, then it worst fear hit me in the face...

I thought Amazon had everything.

Well, to my surprise and shock, I was wrong. 

Amazon was sold-out of Vitamin C in March 2020. Can you believe that? 

Amazon, the $1.7 Trillion dollar company, was sold-out of vitamin C. 

I was in utter disbelief. Was the world crumbling? Was doomsday upon us? 

Are you kidding me, this can't be happening is what I said to my Sandra.

Maybe you experienced the same horror as I did trying to buy vitamin C around that time. 

Brand after brand was unavailable, sold-out. 

There was a run on Vitamin C because it was the only readily available way to maintain a healthy immune system.

What I'm about to reveal is a bit embarrassing to admit, but I was angry. 

I didn't care about stores not having toilet paper. I wanted vitamin C. 

I was angry with myself for not thinking ahead of the curve and ordering vitamin C weeks before the world shut-down.

I watched the news everyday. I knew things were getting worse. 

I should have been better prepared and I wasn't. 

Now, I was a sitting duck for the what nature concocted to maybe take me out.

Remember I told you earlier that 'luck' is a bad health strategy. 

I hope deep-down in my bones that if (or maybe I should say 'when') the next wave hits the world that you're not waiting for the government to whip up some quickie medical solution again.

That's a 'luck' strategy because you and your family might NOT survive until the new medical-mix is created.

You and your family might want to prepare now, which is what I started doing back in March 2020.

This horror got me thinking about if there were other alternatives to Vitamin C. 

Maybe there were other, more powerful, natural immune supporting nutrients that people just didn't know about.

I promised myself on that day that I would NEVER depend on one way to support my immunity again. 

I realized that moment that the world had changed forever and I needed to change my approach to health.

I started reading everything there was to know about natural ways to maintain a healthy immune system.

I went through government research websites and medical journals.

I uncovered a nutrient laying in plain sight, yet ignored by most. 

If taken on its own, it would not help you much, yet when formulated carefully into a blend, it does something incredible to maintain a healthy immune system.

And today I'm going to share it with you if you agree to stay with me a bit longer. Deal?

Listen, despite my success in discovering a superior way to maintain a healthy immune system...

I'm just as fearful of the next health crisis like you might be. 

The only difference is that I'm uniquely prepared for the next one.

The good news for you is that I want to hand you my formula today to maintain a healthy immune system...

So that you can be uniquely prepared with me.

No longer will you be a sitting duck waiting for the government to create some quickie medical solution.

You can finally experience the freedom to live life without worrying if the next health crisis will take you out before you're ready to go.

Remember how safe you felt before the health crisis? 

You felt safe in a crowded setting with friends, family, even strangers. 

If you want that safe feeling back again, allow me to share the specifics of the nutrient I stumbled across.

Before I share my discovery with you....

I first need to tell you about the bigger problem we face. 

I've alluded to this troubling new trend several times already. 

I must share with you how deep this new world problem is...

So you fully grasp why you might need to use the formulation that I discovered.

The world has changed in ways that make it hard to trust what we see each day…

…and it's not your fault that you don't feel that you can trust anything you see or hear.

You might have heard politicians and some in the media say that the worst is behind us. 

It's not your fault if you're starting to feel safe again, yet you're really in danger.

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In reality, there's a bear in your closet ready to claw you to death.

Am I saying this to scare you? 

Well, Yes, we should all be afraid of what's to come because the world has changed.

As countries wrestle with a global health crisis that seems unending...

…you may find it difficult to think about preparing for the next health crisis lurking around the corner.

Now, let me give you a bit of history regarding infectious diseases and the references to back up what I say. 

I'm going to site sources that you should know very well at this point.

immunity of steel supplement

According to StatNews, over the last 35 years there has been an alarming outbreak of infectious diseases hitting the world quite regularly. Over the last 10 years, these infectious diseases have increased by a few each year.

immunity of steel vitamin

Listen to this, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the infamous CDC) estimates that 72% of new infectious diseases in people originated from animals. These animal inspired infections often kill humans, as we just experienced with this last health crisis.

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Now, the World Health Organization (a.k.a the WHO that you often hear in politics) says that flu-like viruses are the top 10 biggest threats to public health. This last health crisis was a flu-like virus from the influenza family.

immunity of steel

And according to StatNews, the next health crisis will most likely come from the influenza family of viruses. The garden variety flu that we all experience each year is so common that it's easy for nature to create variations that are more deadly.

What these credible sources tell us is that as long as we have the flu and common-cold circulating amongst us...

...there will always be opportunities for nature to create deadlier versions to cause a health crisis like what we just experienced.

I know that you want to believe that quarantines are over and I wish in my heart that was the truth.

However, the research I just presented to you suggests that health wave nasties are just starting. 

The truth is that today we are at the beginning of these waves, not the end.

You can sit on the sidelines and wait for the federal government to create new quickie medical solutions for each new crisis to come. 

This is probably not what you want for yourself. 

I want you to have full control by maintaining a healthy immune system so that your body is prepared for the worst when it hits.

As I keep telling you, 'luck' is a bad health strategy.

Let me give you another reason why another health scare is highly likely. 

SARS - Immunity boosting

During the 2003 SARS epidemic, antiviral medications where developed. 

Once the epidemic was under control, the apparatus for medical research was dismantled because there was no market for the vaccines.

If collaborations across the biopharmaceutical industry, academia, and government are dismantled...

This forces you and me to find alternative solutions to protect ourselves and family.

The truth is that we need to maintain a healthy immune system BEFORE the next health wave strikes and not wait for doomsday to be announced in the media.

Why? Because it can take 1-2 years before a vaccine is developed. 

During that 1-2 year period, your natural immune system will be your only defense. 

When your body goes into battle, you want it to be well armed. 

You can support your body today.

Now, that you know the bigger problem that you face, namely that there are more health crisis situations on the way, let's dive into how to protect yourself.

I want to give you 2 specific tips today that will help you fight the next wave.

These are some of the same tips used by millions of people who survived the last health crisis.

The truth is that the strong survived the last wave without going to the hospital. 

I want you and your family to be one of the strong that naturally survives the next health crisis.

Tip #1 is do NOT rely on vitamin C to save you when the next wave hits. 

I made this mistake. 

After doing more research, the fact is that vitamin C provides minimal support for your immune system.

Using vitamin C is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. 

You need to bring out the heavy artillery to battle the next health wave.

Tip #2 is to have a health strategy to protect yourself when the next wave hits. 

You might be like most people and simply wait for modern medicine to save you when something really bad happens. 

That strategy kind of works well as long as hospitals have a stack of vaccines ready for your health situation.

During this last health crisis, there were no medical solutions waiting. 

Governments had to quickly mix a witches brew, a fast potion. Remember that? 

Guess what happened over the first 12-months? Millions of people died.

I don't want that to happen to you. 

If you're watching this presentation, consider yourself 'lucky.' 

However, as I keep saying, 'luck' is a bad strategy and you might not be so fortunate next time.

This leads me into the biggest tip that I can give you to maintain a healthy immune system so keep watching.

Acidophilus (asuh-daa-foe-less) is the scientific name for the nutrient I found that delivers immunity of steel if part of your daily diet. 

natural immune booster

Now, according to Medical News Today[1], Acidophilus is commonly found in sauerkraut, which you place on hot dogs, and also in yogurt. 

Now relax, I'm not going to tell you to eat hot dogs with sauerkraut and to eat yogurt everyday. 

You might hate these foods and even if you like them, you will quickly grow bored eating them everyday.

immunity boosting supplements

Now,[2] says that acidophilus can support your immune system and thus help reduce the risk of viral infections. We just went through a worldwide viral infection and I just showed you information that more health crisis situations are on the way.

immunity of steel

And how about this article from the National Library of Medicine[3] that says that acidophilus has been shown to posses strong virus immune defense in cells.

boost immunity naturally

Let me give you one last piece of information from Very Well Health[4]. It says that Acidophilus protects against infections.

Now, I could go on and on with more information from: 

- University of Michigan School of Medicine[5]

- University of Rochester Medical Center[6]

- Pharmacy Times and many more reputable resources online.

However, I think you see the mountain of information I presented to you is just overwhelming. 

Acidophilus is how you support immunity of steel to prepare for the next Health Crisis.

Imagine this: once acidophilus is part of your daily diet...

You now have a health strategy, not a 'luck' strategy. 

When the next health crisis hits the world, your body will be prepared to fight naturally while governments scramble to develop yet another quickie vaccine. 

You can go to bed at night knowing that you're supporting your natural defenses and not relying on the government to protect you and your family.

Stay with me as I briefly explain how acidophilus supports your immune system. 

building natural immunity

According to UCLA Health[8], did you know that 70% of your immune system is located in your gut? Your gut walls are where nutrients from the food you eat enters your bloodstream.

This makes your gut an important player within your body’s immune system. 

The job of your gut is to keep anything dangerous outside and absorb all the nutrients from the foods that you eat.

buy immunity of steel

Acidophilus[9] makes sure that you have more good bacteria in your gut than bad (a state called symbiosis). A healthy gut supports a strong immune system to fight nasties that try to get inside of your body and cause damage or death.[10]

GET THIS: If you take the uniquely blended formula of acidophilus I'm going to reveal to you soon... you'll be well on your way to maintaining a healthy immune system.

Now, your body will be well prepared to naturally handle whatever nature throws at it.

Imagine a year from now and another health crisis has hit the globe. 

There's no medical solution to save people on day 1. 

The government announces that it may take 12-18 months to develop a medical solution. 

However, your reaction will be very different than people who did not prepare.

You've been maintaining your body's natural immunity using the special blend of acidophilus that I'm going to give you access to in a moment.

You're feeling in control. 

No worry, no panicking because you're prepared for this new health crisis.

Of course you follow any safety protocols recommended by the CDC and your local government until a medical solution is produced. 

However, you feel extra comfortable because you've maintained a second level of protection against diseases and viruses.

Smart move you think to yourself with a big smile. 

Your friends are all a bit jealous of you because you had a plan and they are now relying on 'luck.' 

You already know that 'luck' is a bad health strategy.

You now know the formula for protecting yourself against the next health crisis.

The secret to maintaining a healthy immune system to handle nature's nasties and keep you and your family safe.

Okay, so that was a lot I just covered with you. 

You may feel a bit overwhelmed or confused at this point. 

And that's okay and to be expected. 

I just gave you tons of information regarding a nutrient that you probably never heard of before.

I also gave you information that another health crisis night be on its way and why you need to prepare for it. 

You might even be feeling scared and that's okay too.

Basically, this means that you have two choices to make right now.

Choice 1 is to close this presentation and say to yourself...

'Well, the luck strategy worked for me last health crisis, so I'm gonna give luck another shot the next time.'

Who knows, you might get lucky again and come out of the next wave just fine. 

Sometimes when you gamble, you win.

Choice 2 is the savvy choice where you follow a strategy that I give you. 

This choice is the easiest and smartest way to maintain a healthy immune system to handle whatever nature throws at you.

I've done all the hard work for you. 

Now, you already know that I have because I showed you so much information about everything that I mentioned.

There's no need for you to do the research on your own on how to maintain a healthy immune system.

Now, here's what the vast majority of people decide to do after watching this presentation. 

They pickup my immunity support brand called 'Immunity of Steel'

Let me fully introduce myself. 

I'm Chris Sewell, owner of Purvida Origins Inc. in Brooklyn, New York...

I own the brand 'Immunity of Steel.'

Immunity of Steel is a life-changing, nutritional-complex designed to feed your body acidophilus...

...a natural immune support complex that keeps your body primed to handle the nasties that nature will throw at you.

This innovative, nutritional blend supports a healthy immune system even if:

you get sick easily
you have allergies
you have digestive problems
you suffer from skin infections
you have blood disorders
you suffer from asthma
you have thyroid conditions
you are taking antibiotics

...OR even if you think that you've tried EVERYTHING else.

Before I go any further, it's only fair that I be absolutely, 100% honest with you. 

There are side-effects to taking this product. 

When you first take Immunity of Steel, expect to witness the following experiences in the first 30-days:

You will enjoy the support of good bacteria in your gut resulting in normal and healthy body functions.

I have yet to find a customer who struggled to accept these side-effects. 

I just know you will enjoy them too.

Immunity of Steel is for men and women who want a strategy to naturally handle any nasties that nature throws at the world because they realize that 'luck' is bad a health strategy. 

It's for savvy people who realize that the world has changed forever and future waves may be our new reality...

yet they want to maintain a healthy immune system and not depend on drugs.

I've made maintaining a healthy immune system as easy as it can be.

Listen, if you want the real answer to maintaining a healthy immune system then here's what you can expect...

If you want to...

Stop using 'luck' as a health strategy....

Stop depending on the government to save you when a health crisis strikes...

Stop being worried whenever a new nasty hits the globe...

Immunity of Steel isn't just a formula for you, it's a formula that finally puts control of your life back in your hands.

Remember, I presented you with tons of information about Acidophilus as an immune supporting nutrient.

Acidophilus (asuh-daa-foe-less) is the main ingredient in my Immunity of Steel formula to maintain your immune system. Now, let me reveal something even more exciting...

Immunity of Steel actually contains 8 additional, immune system supporters found naturally in everyday foods.

***It also contains the super-nutrient Salivarius (sa-lay-va-ri-ous). 

This immune supporter is commonly found in tomatoes, bananas, and artichokes.

According to Evergreen Doctors[11], Salivarius is backed by 30 years of research to protect your body from bad bugs that cause infections.

Plantarum (plan-ta-rum) is another super-nutrient in my product that your immune system will enjoy. 

This immune supporter is commonly found in pickles, Korean kimchi, and olives. 

immunity of steel

According to Very Well Health[12], if you want to maintain your immune system, plantarum is a great natural choice.

Rhamnosus (ram-no-sus) is the 4th super-nutrient in this product.

It's commonly found in asparagus, chicory roots, and garlic.

According to Scientific Reports[13], Rhamnosus has been shown to support immune response.

The 5th super-nutrient Lactis (lac-tis) is very interesting.

It's commonly found in grass, baby corn, and green peas. 

The Oxford Academic[14] says that lactis has been shown to support natural antibodies, aka your immune system.

Bifidum (bi-fuh-dum) is the 6th and a very interesting super-nutrient contained in this supplement.

It's commonly found in vinegar, yet who wants to eat vinegar everyday? It's better to get my formulation. 

immunity of steel

There's a research article by Nutrition & Food Science that says Bifidum increased immune system factors in men.

Fermentum (fur-men-tum) is the 7th super-nutrient.

It's commonly found in red beets, capers, and eggplants. 

An article in ProQuest[16] outlines Fermentum's role in supporting immunity.

Reuteri (raw-terri) is super-nutrient #8 in my formula.

It can be found in capers, papaya, and cucumbers. 

immune booster can be found in seaweed

According to Micro BioMe Plus[17], studies state that Reuteri can help support the immune system.

The last super-nutrient blended inside my Immunity of Steel formula is Longum (long-um). 

This immune supporter can be found in seaweed, which is a marine plant that grows in oceans, rivers and lakes.

increased immune response

The Aspen Journal[18], which leads in clinical nutrition, conducted a study with elderly patients who were supplemented with Longum.  Within 16-weeks, patients showed a maintained immune system.

As you've probably noticed by now, Immunity of Steel is by far the easiest daily routine to maintain a healthy immune system...

Without eating: 

chicory roots
baby corn
green peas
red beets

Wow, that was a mouth full... I know I just wore you down.

Now, you might love some of these foods.

However, I'm sure you can't eat them everyday in order to get the immunity supporting super-nutrients that you need to fight the next health crisis .

The easy solution for you is to pick up Immunity of Steel today and simply take one small pill each day with your meals.

Realize that one bottle of Immunity of Steel is less expensive than buying each of the foods I just mentioned. 

This product is manufactured in the USA; with facilities in the State of Ohio.

My formulation is the easy, budget-friendly solution to maintaining your health.

You should notice positive results quickly.

Many Immunity of Steel customers report positive effects within the first 30-days. 

If you usually get sick easily, you will quickly experience healthy body functions.

Also, prepare to feel normal bowel movements.

After 3-6 months is when you should really experience its immune support powers. 

Some customers reported that they have not been sick in 6-months after taking Immunity of Steel everyday.

Now, you may believe that a formula that can maintain your health would cost $100 a bottle. 

And in all honesty, it really should be more... because your health is truly priceless.

This formulation has helped thousands of people fight illnesses, feel more energetic, and experience better bowel movements.

More importantly, this formula may save your life when the next wave hits and there is no vaccine to protect you.

Keep in mind that you're not just getting a bottle of Immunity of Steel today. 

Just for watching this presentation, I want to give you FREE of charge, the following bonuses to help you get through the next health crisis safely by having a plan in your hand. 

Remember, 'luck' is a bad health strategy and these free bonuses help you create a strategy.

You get these FREE Bonuses today

(A $47 value)The first gift you get with your order today is a Special Report called Perfect Planning: How You and Your Family Can Prepare for the Next Health Crisis and Survive (digital e-book download)

You already know that 'lucky' is a bad health strategy, so I want to help you by handing you a strategy that you can use to survive the next  health crisis. 

Supporting your immune system with Immunity of Steel is a great start. 

You can also prepare your house. Keep extra supplies. 

Prepare a 'sick room' in case hospitals get over-run. 

Explore herbal & natural medicines and so much more.

I cover these topics and more in this Special Report.

(A $47 value)The second gift you get instantly once you order today is an Special Report called Harmonious Immunity: How to Naturally Maintain Your Immunity by Lowering Stress (digital e-book download)

Your immune system can be weakened by your stress levels. 

If you can lower your stress, you instantly maintain your immune system to handle whatever nature throws at you.

I want to make sure that your body maintains a healthy immune system.

If I were to sell you each separately, that would be about $100 in FREE bonuses you get to help you prepare for the next health wave and survive.

Now you can see why Immunity of Steel is valued at close to $100. 

Even without the bonuses this price would be a steal because your life is worth much more. 

And if you purchased the bonuses by themselves, your total investment today would be almost $200.

However, just for watching this presentation today, I want to give you a much better deal. 

Just keep reading because this won't last forever...

Now, of course, you could choose to just continue down the path you're on right now with no real strategy to survive the next health crisis.

You know that the 'luck' strategy is a bad idea!

When the next wave hits, you'll just hope and pray that you and your family lives long enough until the government creates a quickie solution.

You might experience regret that you failed to plan today while you had the time.

And if you're not worried for yourself, what about family members? 

Your children? What about mom and dad who might depend on you?

If you're not going to plan for your safety, at least plan for the safety of your loved ones.

Believe me, that level of pain isn't what I want for you. 

So let's make this a really easy decision, okay?

Listen, I feel that you deserve to know why I'm about to offer you such a massive discount today. 

Let me share my dream with you. 

This last health crisis was a real beast for me, maybe for you too.

And seeing 1,000, 2,000, even up to 3,000 people a day dying from the health crisis was a lot for me.

I was stressed, angry, confused, and tired of being in quarantine.

Maybe you felt the same way as I felt. 

I'm only one guy and maybe I can't save the world on my own.

However, I invite you to join me in this mission

I invite you and thousands of other folks just like you who want to prepare for the worst, so that the worst turns out not to be so bad because we were all prepared.

Once you get my formulation to save yourself, my hope is that you will share this with those around you. 

Imagine when the next wave hits and because millions of savvy people maintained their immune systems using my formulation, far less people died.

When less people die, governments are less likely to shut down businesses.

When businesses stay open, people can work and pay their bills.

When people can work and pay their bills, families are happier.

When families are happier, people are less stressed and can enjoy life.

The bottom line is that I decided during the last wave that I absolutely need to let as many folks as possible join this cause to save each other. 

This means a much lower price for you because I want you to join the cause. 

I don't want "cost" to stop anyone from preparing for the next wave.

So let's get started right now...

Today, you will not pay the retail value for Immunity of Steel and the bonuses, not even close.

Your investment today will NOT be $200...(although the package would be worth that much)

You won't even pay HALF that at $100...

Not even $67...

Your total investment today, which includes Immunity of Steel and all the bonuses for only 1 payment of $37
(plus $8.95 Shipping)

Listen, before you invest, I want you to hear my 60-day money-back guarantee

If you don't experience positive effects, you can return any unopened bottles for a full refund of the purchase price.

No Questions, No Hassles!

Now, look below this video right now.

Click the button to secure your special price today. (Secure Your Discounted Price)

This package isn't just a great bargain you get today. 

You'll be joining the biggest immune system support movement in history. 

You'll be part of a growing revolution to prepare for the next wave and survive. 

Click the button below to secure your special price now.

Here's what will happen the moment you click the button below this video.

First, you'll be taken to our 100% Secure Checkout Page.

This page is 100% secure to protect your payment data.

[17] Remember the stress, frustration and annoyance you felt during the last health crisis as you waited for a vaccine?

You may have experienced that constant worry about whether your immune system was strong enough to fight the virus if you got infected. 

I know I had that constant worry.

Well, that worry can vanish the moment you begin incorporating my Immunity of Steel formula into your life. 

You are now in control of your destiny again. 

Today you start to feel that you control your future, the next wave does not control you.

Listen, it's not your fault that you were not prepared for the last health crisis.

However, today marks YOUR day to take responsibility because you know that a new wave might hit AND you have a strategy to survive if you act on it. 

It's up to you to take action to protect yourself and your family using a system that I have shown you.

I gave you information from multiple sources that another wave is brewing and on the super-nutrients that can support you.

Now, it's your turn to do the right thing.

Try it and see the results.

Plus: you're always minutes away from an answer from our friendly support staff.

Look below this video now and click the button to secure your special price today.

Listen, do not put off taking action one second longer and here's why...

First, as you recall, I lowered the price by over HALF so that you can jump in now...

Yet, at some point, I'm going to raise the price back up to where it really deserves to be.

So act now before that happens.

And let's not forget...

...unless you take action now, today, you may be too late once the next health crisis hits and I'm certain it will hit.

You may do what some people do and wait a few more days... 

...which turns into a few more weeks, then a few more months. 

AND then another health crisis is smacking you in the face.

So let's make sure that this unfortunate situation does not happen.

Look below this video now and click the button to secure your special price today.

Hey, are you still there?

If you're still watching, I bet that you have a few questions in your head.

Let's go over a few common questions I often get and the answers

Question: "Where was your product manufactured?"

Immunity of Steel was manufactured in the USA, in the State of Ohio, in a FDA registered facility. This means that this product is safe for human consumption as a vitamin supplement.

Question: "Are the pills large?"

Actually, the pill is not one of those horse size pills. The pill is skinny and goes down quickly. If you have problems swallowing pills, a little trick is to chew a little food, then place the pill in the chewed food and then swallow

Question: "Why doesn't my doctor know about these super-nutrients to support immunity?"

Well, you must understand how doctors are trained in medical school. They are trained to give you medicine, that's why doctors go to 'medical school' and not 'nutritional school.' Doctors actually know very little about supplements. They won't admit this fact because doctors want you to believe that they know everything about everything. 

Question: "Why hasn't the CDC or FDA recommended these nutrients?"

The CDC and FDA support the medical industry. I won't go into the food industry, drug company conspiracy to keep us all sick so they make billions selling us drugs. 

Those are some common questions, so let's get started right now...

Today, you will not pay the retail value for Immunity of Steel and the bonuses, not even close.

Your investment today will NOT be $200...(although the package would be worth that much)

You won't even pay HALF that at $100...

Not even $67...

immunity of steel report

Your total investment today, which includes Immunity of Steel and all the bonuses for only 1 payment of $37
(plus $8.95 Shipping)

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[1] Is Lactobacillus acidophilus good for health?

[2] 9 Ways Lactobacillus Acidophilus Can Benefit Your Health

[3] Lactobacillus acidophilus LB: a useful pharmabiotic for the treatment of digestive disorders

[4] What Is Lactobacillus Acidophilus?

[5] lactobacillus acidophilus

[6] Health Encyclopedia: Lactobacillus Acidophilus

[7] Making Sense of Probiotics

[8] If you want to boost immunity, look to the gut

[9] Symbiotic microencapsulation to enhance Lactobacillus acidophilus survival

[10] The role of gut microbiota in immune homeostasis and autoimmunity

[11] How to boost your immune system and fend off infections!

[12] The Benefits and Uses of Lactobacillus Plantarum

[13] L. rhamnosus improves the immune response and tryptophan catabolism in laying hen pullets

[14] Lifestyle, metabolism and environmental adaptation in Lactococcus lactis

[15] BIFIDOBACTERIUM: Dallas G. Hoover, in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, 1999

[16] Lactobacillus fermentum strains with significant probiotic and antioxidant potential

[17] How To Take Prebiotics And Probiotics Together For Best Results

[18] Clinical Effects of Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB536 on Immune Function and Intestinal

Microbiota in Elderly Patients Receiving Enteral Tube Feeding


“Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Review all product warnings prior to use." "Not intended to cure any disease”.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Purvida Origins Inc. distributes a product line made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.